Bango Business Model
Where people subscribe

Bango is focused on providing the technology that enables content providers to sell more subscription products through partnerships with service providers, like telcos.

Bango Digital Vending Machine® (DVM™) technology is fast becoming the industry standard for how subscription content providers acquire more paying customers through partnerships with telcos and other consumer service providers (e.g. financial services companies, retailers).
The DVM™ enables telcos to offer content provider subscription services bundled with their own first-party services. Telcos have trusted billing relationships with millions of subscribers, which is hugely valuable to content providers looking for new customers. Content providers bring exciting subscription products and services that help telcos differentiate their first-party services, increase customer lifetime value and boost revenue.
Subscription products from market leaders including Netflix, Amazon and HBO through to Xbox, Peleton, Duolingo and Calm, are today available from telcos across the world via the Digital Vending Machine from Bango. T-Mobile, BT and Optus use the Digital Vending Machine® to offer, launch and manage subscriptions for millions of consumers.
DVM™ contracts are multimillion dollar, multi-year commitments: DVM™ customers pay an integration fee and recurring monthly license fee that scales as the number of managed subscriptions grows. Contracts are typically for a minimum of 3 years.
The DVM™ license fee customers pay to Bango is tiered, based on the number of subscriptions (not users) that the DVM™ manages. As customers launch their DVM™ offers and the number of managed subscriptions increases, so the license revenue grows.